
Showing posts from November, 2017

Henry's Story [A Working Title]

Ok, so I would have given you some more "Freedom Found" this week but not long ago, we had some technical difficulties and it's on a drive, not yet put back on the computer. Instead, I'm going to be sharing with you Henry's (Lucy's brother's) story. I set out for this to be a short story, similar to Lucy's, but I've been enjoying it so much. I underestimated this story and it's turning into a novelette- maybe even a novella (I don't know how long it'll end up being!)- but it's definitely going to be too long for a short story! It doesn't have a title yet and if you have any ideas for a title while reading this and other parts of the story comment and tell me! (although, this is probably too early for you guys to give me one since this part isn't revealing masses of the storyline!) So let's get right into it! Henry's Story [A working title] Henry was running as fast as he could without leaving everyon...


As some of you may or may not know I am part of an online writing community called the Young Writers Workshop (YWW or Y-dubs for short) and today I'm going to share this wonderful place with you. The way I'm going to do this is as some questions and answer them- so let's get started! Who created the Young Writers Workshop? The YWW was set up by Brett Harris (co-author of the book Do Hard Things) and Jaquelle Crowe (author of This Changes Everything) Links to their books will be found at the end of the post.  So, who is the YWW for?  Any young writer aged 10-25 (But that's a rough guideline)  Anybody who is on a writing journey pursuing publication Anyone who is just starting their writing journey pursuing publication Anybody who wants to start a writing journey pursuing publication Anyone who writes just for a hobby Anybody who is currently writing and has already been published Just about any sort of young writer.  But how does YWW wor...