
Showing posts from March, 2018

Behind The Pen Photo Challenge

Hey guys! So, I know I've not posted that recently. Sorry about that. But to make up for it I've got something extremely special planned!!! This month I've created a challenge. If you are a writer and you're reading this right now then you might want to pay attention because this may be something you might enjoy! I have put together a month of prompts (no, not writing prompts, but don't be upset writers- this should still be awesome!) Every day this month I (with a little help from some friends on Y-dubs) have thought up some awesome photo prompts for writers! Every day for the next month you will have a a prompt of a photo to take and share on any socal media of your choice (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, your blog, whatever) They are all writing-related and are relevant to writers. What's the point of this? Well, any bloggers that decide to take part and share this on their blog will get a promotion (on my sidebar I will have a list of blog...

What's Been Going On In My Life

Hey, guys! I'm back! (But you already knew that since you're here reading this right now and you had to click on the post to read it) I'm really sorry It's taken me so long to get back to writing on my blog but the good news is, I have plans for some series coming up in the future (Now I just need to make those plans come to life!) So, what's been going on since my last post? Well, for one thing, I reached over 20,000 words in my current WIP! At 23,800 words+ my novella is slowly reaching its end (I still have a fair bit to go, though!). I'm SO happy I got this far and, for a novella that started out just as a short story, it's continually shocked me to see how much I've written! I couldn't have done it without God's amazing love and help, along with the amazing assistance of the YWW (And my awesome Alpha readers... and my family support. So, a few things actually!)!!! Speaking of the YWW... (Points to me for the amazing transition...